Holy scripture

Sunday, May 31, 2020

52 Cruelities On GodKabir

52 Cruelities On GodKabir

Because sheikh Taki was extremely jealous of lord Kabir, he tried 52 types of attempts to Kill lord Kabir, which is known as "baavan kasni" his ill will proved to be unsuccessful everytime because nobody can kill the indestructible almighty God. if there was some other saint instead of Lord kabir. he would have been killed. Lord kabir is purn brahm and most powerful god. His body is composed of a single element of divine light and he is immortal.

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आओ जैन धर्म को जाने ऋषभदेव जी राजा नाभिराज के पुत्र थे। नाभिराज जी अयोध्या के राजा थे। ऋषभदेव जी के सौ पुत्र तथा एक पुत्री थी। एक दिन...